duniya ka haadasa chakavaal mein। - duniya dekho holidays (NeW

Tuesday 13 September 2022

duniya ka haadasa chakavaal mein।

Due to our DC Chakwal's incompetence and that of the relevant authorities, the area's beauty and nature are being destroyed by the duniya ka haadasa PPL oil wells.

These photos are of the PPL oil field near the village of Lohisar, which is located in the Tehsil Chakwal.

You can tell in the scenes how much fun is being had with the surroundings of such a lovely place.

Animals and wildlife as well as humans are at risk from the airborne smoke.

duniya ka haadasa


PPL therefore possesses roughly 10 oilfields in Langah, Dumali, and its surrounding areas.

In addition to polluting the subsurface water, the chemicals present in excess water and smoke are also shortening human life span by releasing harmful gases into the environment.

However, they do not even claim to be working on any form of development in the various areas.


Every time the locals demand something like that of them, they whine about a lack of resources.

How much crude oil, gas, etc., are being produced daily from these 10+ PPL oil fields is impossible to estimate.


It's a shame.

duniya ka

ka haadasa


However, the Chakwal administration has always had "very good" and "appropriate" connections with these monopolistic businesses, so I'm not sure what kind of "foolishness" PPL is accusing the Chakwal administration of exhibiting in place of a poor farmer whose property has no value. PPL consistently backs the government and pays no regard to environmental damage.

Chakwal organisers are only allowed to take part in private educational institutions, different events, and picture shoots.

The truth is that their homes should be constructed directly beneath these noxious smoke clouds, their children should breathe the same air, and their picture shoots should take place directly beneath these noxious smoke clouds.

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